Saturday, October 15, 2011


I was told that perception is everything.  Perception can be interpreted many ways; if it is something that “we” perceive or if it is something that we do or say (or perhaps not do or not say) that is perceived by others, not the way we intended it!

A study was done in which people on opposite sides of an issue where given the same newspaper article to read.  The people were asked to read the article carefully and to offer their reaction.  On average, people said that they thought the article was biased…AGAINST their own position.  That is, people on BOTH sides of the issue thought the exact same article was biased against their side.  The article could not possibly have been biased against both sides of the issue.  Obviously, it wasn’t the content of the article that drove the reaction, but the perspective of the readers. 

Doesn’t our daily life have the same effect?  Work, family, relationship, going out to dinner, friends, the list is endless of times that perception played a key in how we communicate (positively or negatively.)  I have shared before that the actual words we use are remembered less than our body language and tone of voice.  And since most of our communication is done via email and text messages that may also add to the confusion and someone’s ability to perceive a communication in a different manner than it was intended for.

So how do we “fix” this?  Simple.  Get rid of computers, phones and email.  (ok and since that is not likely to happen)  perhaps it is not something that we get rid of or fix as much as it is something that we all need to be aware of and do our very best to improve upon.  Be intentional about how and when and why we communicate.  Sometimes silence is golden!

I can be the change that I seek in this world, one day, one journey, one person one form of communication at a time…

Chaplain Royal Bush and Chaplain Beth Loofe are Interfaith Chaplains offering nondenominational and nonreligious care and services to all, without exception in Nebraska and Iowa. They conduct WeddingsPremarital Coaching, Couples Coaching,Funerals, End of Life Planning, and Pastoral Care. For more information please email OR phone 402-575-7006. Omaha Weddings, Omaha Counseling, Omaha Funerals.

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