Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Inclusive Life

I have had some emails and people asking me what Inclusive life is.  Is it a church?  Are you connected with a church?  All very good questions.

A few years ago while serving as Minister of Hospitality for a local church I began paying attention to who attended worship.  Yes there were some who were “hard core” didn’t miss a Sunday, there were some who were there most Sundays and then there were many who we would see now and then OR come a few times and not come back.

I started doing some research and found that, depending on where you live; up to 70% of the population is not attending worship/church on a regular basis.  Many years ago church was the corner stone in most families lives, social settings for the community and home of many grass roots programs.

At the same time I was in the midst of a change in my life, I realized my calling to ministry work, but didn’t just quite know what I was to be doing.  I could give a message, I loved helping celebrate worship, in the end I realized I loved Pastoral Care. 

My research continued.  Where do individuals, couples and families turn to when they need “pastoral care” and they don’t attend church?  Surely someone in their family will want to get married.  I know that at some point a funeral will need to be planned.  And somewhere in the middle someone may need some coaching or pastoral care.  If they have not been to church or even have attended church who can they depend on to provide care and services as if they had been lifelong members?  Inclusive Life!

Inclusive Life, the name was thought of carefully.  It implies exactly what we think about who we serve… “All without exception!”  In the last two years we have married same sex couples, those seeking earth/native spirituality ceremonies, secular (non-religious) ceremonies, Christian ceremonies, interfaith ceremonies and many others.  We are able to provide a level of service and care that is often unmatched by other local officiants (some of which are ordained online and have little or no training.)  We offer premarital coaching and couples coaching.  Being a part of planning a loved-ones funeral is a most sacred task.  Asking the appropriate questions allows the family to begin the healing process and for us to understand how we can honorably cerebrate their loved-one’s life.

Inclusive Life is incorporated in Nebraska as a Non-Profit Church.  We are non-denominational and are not affiliated with any other church or denomination.  We rely on donations, the fees received for weddings, funerals and coaching services to provide care and services to those without income.
Inclusive Life is served by two Chaplains: Chaplain Royal Bush and Chaplain Beth Loofe.

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