Wednesday, September 7, 2011


This society has a great need for gratification, and the culture is says it's possible for everyone to satisfy all their needs and desires all the time which allows for one person at a time to get all of the blame via the clashes of ego’s. I long for a time when we focus on feeding our souls and not our ego’s; when it is easier to build someone up instead of tearing them down. Are you ready?

I’m 43 years old, soon (very soon) to be 44. That extra year may make a difference. I remember times growing up in Bellevue. I recall the interaction that everyone shared with each other. A level of respect, if you will, that I believe for the most part, is absent today.

It goes beyond listening skills, it goes beyond holding doors open, it goes beyond helping do all you can with what you have because it is the right thing to do. It goes beyond what and HOW we are taught as a society by ads, commercials, TV shows, movies, social media, and music. People seem to be mere commodities of disposable proportions, and you don’t have to be a gang member to behave like that.

It seems to me, that in my childhood, and I own that… MORE people realized that they lived in glass houses and so they didn’t throw stones themselves. Today there sure is a lot of finger pointing going on. This person does this, that person said that, this group does this, those people do this… Accepting personal responsibility for your own actions, your own life, your own truth, your own journey would go a long way in making this world a better place.

I can be the change that I seek in this world. If I point one finger at someone else, I will remember that there are three pointing back at me.

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