Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Omaha Essential Oils

Each Wednesday I share information and updates about Aromatherapy, Omaha Essential Oils, and Meditation that is offered with Omaha Essential Oils at Inclusive Life (37th and Leavenworth.)

An easy check of many sites, books and references each reveals a similar answer:  Essential oils are concentrated hydrophobic liquids containing volatile aroma compounds from plants.  Oil is "essential" in the sense that it carries a distinctive scent, or essence, of the plant (much like blood is to humans.) 

It is important to know that there are three grades of Essential Oils; Therapeutic, Perfume, and Food grade.  Most of what you would find in retail health food stores, retail stores and shops is perfume or food grade oils.  They will not offer the same results, benefits or aromatherapy as Therapeutic grade oils. 

Young Living is the only company in the United States that produces therapeutic grade oils from seed to seal.  They own 7 farms in 3 countries and distill and package the oils and products themselves. 

I would like to share our latest three uses for essential oils.  1) last week Jonathan was in the alley cleaning up weeds and got into some poison ivy/oak (not sure) within minutes his arm swelled, was read, and painful and itched.  Normally we would apply calamine lotion and wait a several days.  I instantly grabbed the Lavender Essential Oil and applied it.  Within a minute or two you could see a noticeable difference.  Two more applications (later that night, and the next morning) and his arm was back to normal.  I felt good about using a natural, safe, non-toxic remedy that worked!

I had developed a cough on my way back from my trip, I think I picked up a summer-cold.  I was coughing and wheezing, and not sleeping.  I used a table spoon of honey and mixed it with peppermint, lemon, orange and frankincense.  Two more doses and my cough was gone and so was my cold.   

Lavender has helped me sleep better. For the last year I have not slept through the night. I always get up at 2-3am and stay up for hours.  After using lavender I sleep right through the night.  If I do get up to use the restroom I fall right back asleep.  Again, a toxic-drug-free way to get rest feel better, and treat my body with respect.

Join me each month (beginning in July) as Omaha Essential Oils at Inclusive Life, Offers Information Café!  A chance for you to learn, ask questions and experiment with the oils yourself.  The first one is scheduled for the last Sunday of July at 2pm.  3622 Leavenworth.  There is NO cost and NO obligation for this FREE Café!  FREE Zyto Compass Health Assessment Scans will be available at the July Café.

Royal D. Bush was born and raised in the Omaha metro area raised in a single parent family, with his Mother Mildred.  His first many years of life were spent in Bellevue, where he and his mother attended church at the First Baptist Church of Bellevue.  Eventually Omaha became home, where as a young adult, Royal began attending various worship services with friends and family before finally calling MCC Omaha his home, where he went on to serve as Minister of Hospitality.

In 2009, Royal founded Inclusive Life; Pastoral Services and Holistic Care; a Nebraska, nonprofit, multifaith based organization that offers care and services to individuals, couples and families who are not a part of church, organized religion, or have a religious belief.  He is ordained and serves as a Chaplain.  Inclusive Life serves all without exception, religious and nonreligious.  He continues to share his belief and message that “You are beautiful, you are loved and you are worthy, just the way you are.  You are not alone.”

In 2012 he married his partner of five years, Jonathan.  They share a home in the Dundee area of Omaha.  Today, Royal is a member and attends service at the First Unitarian Church of Omaha.  He currently is working on two projects: A 2 hour “You Retreat” that will be offered monthly, at no charge!  It will focus on allowing people to experience themselves in ways perhaps not experienced before or often.  And secondly, he is studying and training for knowledge with Aromatherapy and Essential Oils. 

AROMATHERAPY:      Zyto Health Assessment, Essential Oils, Natural: Home, Nutrition, and Skin Products
CLASSES:                Meditation, Relationship, and Aromatherapy.

402-575-7006     3622 Leavenworth Street, Omaha, NE 68105

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