Why should I…help others, feed others or even vote. I am only one person and the actions of one do not make a difference.
Why vote in any election my votes does not matter. In the United States you are allowed to vote, what a wonderful RESPONSIBILITY! Your vote does matter, it is needed and you have a responsibility to make YOUR voice heard. Know the issues, know the candidates and be an informed voter.
You can feed a person for a day with one fish. Teach them to fish and you can feed them and others for a lifetime! You CAN make a difference by helping others with your time (teaching), your talents (sharing your passions) or your treasure (donations.) Paying it forward does make a difference and what goes around DOES come around!
Once YOU acknowledge that YOUR acts of kindness (both received and given by you) you then can no longer believe that what you do does not matter. You can make a difference your life and the lives of others!
We know that up to 70% of the population in America does not attend worship on a regular basis. Who can individuals, couples and families turn to when they need care & services traditionally found by a place of worship? US! We are Inclusive Life, and we serve all without exception. Wedding Officiant’s-Premarital & Couples Coaching-Funeral Ministers-Pastoral Care.
(402) 575-7006 www.inclusivelife.org
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